Making The Decision To Go Grey

Choosing to embrace your natural grey hair can be a powerful and liberating decision, reflecting a sense of authenticity and self-acceptance. In a world where youthfulness is often idealized, the journey to go grey can be both a personal and societal statement. As a now senior woman, and a passion for health and wellness, my decision to go grey – I believe – will align with my values and goals.

The Mindset Behind The Decision

The transition to grey hair is not just a change in appearance; it can also signify a shift in mindset and confidence. In the realm of healthy living and wellness, this decision may resonate deeply with your commitment to authenticity and embracing the natural course of life. Going grey is not merely about aesthetics; it is a celebration of the experiences and wisdom that come with age.

As the owner of a juice business, my commitment to promoting health and well-being is evident. Just as my juices aim to nourish and rejuvenate, going grey can symbolize a form of personal rejuvenation and acceptance. This choice aligns with the holistic approach to wellness, emphasizing the importance of embracing every aspect of oneself.

Moreover, the decision to let my hair go grey can align with my passion for gardening. Much like cultivating a garden, allowing my hair to transition to its natural color requires patience, care, and nurturing. It is a process that unfolds naturally, mirroring the growth and transformation found in the botanical world that I so deeply love and appreciate.

Besides, I simply got tired of the various rinses, permanent and semi-permanent coloring that I had to do. My hair grows amazingly fast and keeping up with this coloring phase became exhausting.


My journey to go grey can inspire others. In a society that often associates beauty with youth, my decision to embrace my natural hair color challenges conventional standards and promotes a positive image of ageing. This resonates with the values I bring to my juice business, encouraging individuals to prioritize health and self-care at every stage of life.

The Testament

As I navigate this transition, I might find parallels between the choices I make in my personal life and the goals I have set for my business. Both involve a commitment to authenticity, growth, and well-being. Just as I have cultivated this juice business out of necessity for my health, letting my hair go grey is a testament to the beauty that comes with embracing my natural and authentic self.


In conclusion, the choice to go grey is a multifaceted journey that intertwines personal growth, societal perceptions, and alignment with one’s values. As a senior woman, my decision can serve as an inspiration to others (hopefully), challenging stereotypes and promoting a positive narrative around aging. Much like the vibrant flowers I nurture and the nutritious juices I provide, going grey is a celebration of life’s natural and beautiful processes.